Should I Sue if I Slip and Fall on a Wet Floor?

Serving Maryland, Washington D.C. & Virginia

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broken wet floor sign

When you are on someone else’s property, you expect it to be safe. You do not expect to slip and fall on a wet floor, injuring yourself and watching a pile of medical bills grow and grow. What are your options though? Well, you could sue for damages and hold a negligent property owner accountable. A Prince George’s County slip and fall lawyer can help you.

Where Can Wet Floor Slip and Fall Accidents Happen?

A wet floor can cause a slip and fall accident nearly anywhere. We have helped clients who have gotten injured in:

  • Supermarkets and retail stores
  • Restaurants
  • Malls
  • Gyms
  • Schools
  • Places of worship
  • Homes
  • Offices

If someone else should have been keeping the property safe for you, you may be able to sue for compensation.

What Kinds of Injuries Can Be Caused By Falls?

Many people who fall on a wet floor do get seriously injured. A fall can cause:

  • Traumatic brain injuries and concussions
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Cuts and bruises

The results for older accident victims can be even worse. Many senior slip and fall victims break their hips. This can cause mobility issues for the rest of their lives. Even if they do not get seriously injured, it’s not uncommon for an older person to develop a crippling fear of falling after an accident like this. This can prevent them from taking part in activities they once enjoyed.

Can I Sue Over a Wet Floor?

You can sue over a wet floor. When you arrive on someone else’s property, you expect that it will be safe. If a spilled product, leaky pipe, or melting snow is causing a slip and fall hazard, the owner of the property needs to address the problem and do their best to keep anyone from being injured.

Will I Need to Go to Trial?

Some people do not sue because they do not want to have to deal with the stress of a trial. We have good news on that front though. Cases like these do not often go to trial. A lawyer from our firm will negotiate with the defendant and their insurance company on your behalf to get the best possible compensation offer. This could include reimbursement for your medical expenses and lost wages, but it can also help make up for any trauma or pain and suffering you have experienced as the result of your fall on a wet floor.

If no agreement can be reached, you may have to go to trial. Our lawyers can build cases that can succeed in court as well, so you are in good hands.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you are ready to learn more about your legal options, contact McCarthy, Winkelman & Mester, L.L.P. and ask to set up an initial consultation. We are ready to advocate for you.


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