What Maintenance Issues Can Lead to Truck Accidents?

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Whether you’re from the west coast and refer to them as semi-trucks or a native Marylander who calls them tractor-trailers, these vehicles are some of the most important on the road. However, due to their imposing size and weight, when they are involved in accidents, the impacts can be devastating. Unfortunately, maintenance issues can lead to these crashes, making them avoidable with proper precautions. If you were involved in a collision due to improper care of a truck, keep reading. You’ll learn how a Prince George’s County truck accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.

What Are Common Maintenance Issues?

Like any vehicle, trucks need maintenance and proper care to function safely. If maintenance isn’t taken care of, it can put the truck driver and all other motorists on the road in danger.

Most commonly, issues with tires are the most common cause of maintenance related-problems. If they aren’t replaced on time, are not properly inflated, or are left with puncture wounds, it can lead to blowouts. As a result, it can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle, colliding with other cars.

Another common issue surrounds brakes. As they are an integral part of vehicle safety, ensuring they are properly maintained is vital. For example, if the brake pads or lines are worn, it can impact the ability to stop safely. Similarly, if there is an issue with the air compressor that supplies air to the brakes, this can lead to devastating accidents.

Finally, other issues, such as improper hitching, failure to check to ensure headlights and horns are working, or letting fluid levels fall too low, can lead to collisions.

What Damages Can I Recover?

If improper maintenance leads to your accident, you may discover there are a number of damages you can recover as a result of the injuries.

The most common damages recoverable in a personal injury case are economic damages. This means you can receive compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitative measures, and lost income because of the time spent healing. However, you can also receive compensation for non-economic damages like pain and suffering from your injuries.

In some instances, you may discover that a company can be held liable for the accident. If a driver reported the issue to their employer who failed to mitigate damages, the business might be ordered to pay punitive damages. These are used to punish a party for their egregious misconduct.

If you’re looking to receive damages on behalf of a negligent company, McCarthy, Winkelman & Mester can help. We understand how shattering these accidents can be to those impacted, especially knowing poor maintenance is the result of these accidents. As such, we will do everything possible to help you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you through these legal matters.


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