How important is it to wear a seatbelt?

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When a collision occurs, individuals are faced with catastrophic injuries. However, those injuries could turn fatal if an individual neglected to wear a seatbelt. If an individual does not have their seatbelt buckled they will likely be ejected from the vehicle. Seatbelts secure individuals to their seats. They are crucial to ensuring individuals stay inside their motor vehicles. To prevent and avoid devastating and life-altering injuries, drivers and passengers should wear their seatbelts at all times. If you have been involved in an auto collision due to another person’s negligence, contact a determined Prince George’s County Auto Accident Lawyer who can help you recover damages for your losses. 

Who should wear a seatbelt?

Everyone. Both drivers and passengers need to wear their seatbelts at all times. However, children’s and babies’ seats need to be secured by seatbelts. The first thing every person should do when entering a motor vehicle is buckled their seatbelt. Drivers have a responsibility to ensure all passengers including themselves are wearing seatbelts. If an individual refuses to put on their seatbelt, drivers should insist they fasten their seatbelt or they won’t drive them. This safety precaution helps ensure everyone’s safety.

How do airbags work?

A common misconception about airbags is that they substitute seatbelts. However, that is not true. Airbags do not replace seatbelts. Although they both are safety defenses in the unfortunate event of a collision, they have different functions. Airbags are deployed to provide individuals with cushioning while seatbelts keep individuals secure in their position to prevent ejection. Airbags and seatbelts are both adequate safety provisions, however, both are needed. One cannot replace the other. Ultimately, they work together to prevent horrific injuries and fatalities. Individuals should always be wearing their seatbelts. Additionally, they should not only be wearing them but ensuring they are wearing them correctly. Seatbelts are less effective if they are worn improperly. To properly wear a seatbelt individuals should ensure it lies across the middle of their chest and shoulder. The lap belt should lie across an individual’s hips. Individuals should refrain from strapping their seatbelts under their shoulders or behind their backs. They should also avoid having their lap belt lay across their stomachs. The harness should be placed in the right position, if it is placed wrong and a collision occurs substantial internal injuries may result. Correctly wearing a seatbelt is crucial to ensure individuals remain safely in their seats and do not suffer severe injuries in the unfortunate event a collision occurs.

If you or someone you love has been involved in a collision due to negligence, reach out to one of our experienced and skilled team members. Our firm is committed to helping our clients recover reasonable economic and non-economic damages.


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