What are the most dangerous types of auto accidents?

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Auto accidents are a common occurrence in Maryland. This makes motorists question what the most dangerous types of auto accidents are. Unfortunately, some accidents are more severe than others. Certain types of accidents are more likely to result in fatalities. The severity of an accident ultimately depends on the speed at which a motorist was traveling, whether the motorist was wearing their seat belt and other pertinent factors. It is imperative to abide by the rules of the road when behind the wheel to prevent significant accidents and injuries. A common factor in many fatal car accidents is negligence. If you have been injured in a car accident as a result of another motorist’s negligence, contact an experienced Prince George’s County Car Accident Lawyer who can help you seek compensation for your economic and noneconomic damages. 

What types of auto accidents have the highest fatality rates?

In Maryland, some of the most dangerous types of auto accidents are:

  • Off-the-road collisions. Sadly, off-the-road collisions are one of the most dangerous and deadliest types of auto collisions to occur on the road. According to statistics, a staggering 32% of fatal car accidents are off-the-road collisions. Off-the-road collisions occur when a vehicle swerves off the roadway and crashes into a stationary object such as a telephone pole. These accidents are often caused by distracted or drunk driving.
  • Side impact collisions. Similarly to off-the-road collisions, side-impact collisions are extremely dangerous and often result in fatalities. Side-impact collisions are responsible for nearly 21% of car accident fatalities. Side-impact collisions occur when a vehicle crashes into the side of another vehicle. Unfortunately, these collisions are exceptionally dangerous because the side of a vehicle does not offer occupants sufficient protection.
  • Rollover accidents. Another dangerous type of collision is a rollover accident. Rollover accidents occur when a vehicle tips or flips one or more times on its side or roof. You can imagine how dangerous these types of accidents are since the force of the impact was enough to tip the heavy vehicle over. These types of collisions are most common with top-heavy vehicles such as trucks and SUVs. According to statistics, a tragic 11% of fatal car accidents are rollovers.
  • Head-on collisions. Head-on collisions are extremely dangerous as two vehicles traveling in the opposite direction hit each other front to front. Victims do not walk away from this type of accident unscathed as the force of impact alone often leaves victims with life-threatening injuries. According to statistics, rollover accidents are responsible for 10% of fatal car accidents.

These are some of the most dangerous types of auto accidents that could occur on the road. Motorists must abide by the rules of the road to prevent serious accidents and injuries. In the unfortunate event that you have been injured in any of the above car accidents, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our adept and determined team members. Our firm is committed to helping our clients seek reasonable compensation for their damages.


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