Can I Sue a Car Manufacturer If a Defect Caused My Accident?

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When a malfunctioning part causes a car accident, the car manufacturer might be held liable for the damages that result. If you were hurt in an accident and believe that a defect was at least partly responsible for the injuries you suffered, you may have a valid personal injury case. A Prince George’s County defective product lawyer from our firm can help you seek out the compensation that you deserve.

When Can I Sue a Car Manufacturer?

You can sue a car manufacturer if you believe that a defective part contributed to your accident or injuries. A part could also be designed in a dangerous way. Whatever the case may be, you need to show that there is a direct relationship between this defect and your damages.

As an example, you are on a crowded road when suddenly someone pulls out in front of you. You try to stop, but part of your car’s braking system malfunctions. You cannot slow down and you get into a crash as a result. It’s later found that this part is defective. You can show that something was wrong with the part and that this issue led to your crash.

You may also be able to sue if a part contributed to your damages in other ways. Let’s say you get hit by another vehicle, but your airbag doesn’t deploy because it was defective. You can argue that your injuries are more severe as a result of this malfunction.

Can I Sue Someone Aside From the Car Manufacturer?

It’s not uncommon to have multiple defendants in a case like this. You may be able to sue a car manufacturer, but you may also be able to sue the manufacturer of the defective part if it’s a different company. A dealership or automotive supply shop that sold the defective part could also be liable.

A lot of this depends on who sold the part and when it was installed too. If your car is a decade old and you’ve had parts replaced, you probably aren’t going to sue the car manufacturer because they never installed that faulty part in the first place.

You could also end up suing another driver or any other party that contributed to your crash and injuries. This can all seem daunting, which is why we recommend talking to a lawyer. Our firm can help you hold all liable parties accountable and claim the compensation that you deserve.

Contact Our Law Firm

So if you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, let us help you hold them accountable. Contact McCarthy, Winkelman & Mester, L.L.P. to schedule a consultation with our team. We’ll tell you more about your legal options and what a seasoned personal injury lawyer can do to assist you.


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